Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tip #1: Assembling your birth kit

Be prepared for weird medical equipment in your house - it's prep time!

Let's face it, as it stands now, your living room is no place for a baby to be born.  That's why you need a birth kit. Several online stores sell birth kits with more of the hard-to-find, medical-grade supplies.  Check out the bottom of the post for some links.

In these kits, you'll find:

·         bulb syringe
·         lubricating jelly
·         cord clamps/tape
·         gloves
·         iodine/hibiclens scrub (antiseptic)
·         sanitary brief
·         various sizes of underpads (chux pads)
·         plastic-backed sheets
·         sanitary pads
·         perineal irrigation bottle
·         gauze
·         alcohol prep pads
·         flexible straws
·         infant tape measure
·         basic infant cotton cap

But that’s just the beginning.  Homebirth is a great excuse to get rid of those old towels and sheets - start now collecting these items and have everything in place six weeks before your estimated due date. 

·         garbage bags
·         freezer bags
·         scissors
·         old towels, wash cloths, and blankets
·         two sets of sheets (you’ll throw out one set after the birth)
·         bowl for the placenta
·         cookie sheet
·         2-3 plastic sheets or shower curtains (disposable plastic-sided tablecloths also work)
·         more lubricant and/or olive oil
·         more sanitary napkins
·         newborn diapers
·         baby receiving blankets
·         flashlight
·         mirror
·         map to the nearest emergency room
·         contact information for the nearest hospital, back-up obstetrician, and pediatrician
·         birth plan (if you have one)

Your midwife will let you know if she has other suggestions. In the meantime, throw everything in a box and store it out of the way until that first contraction hits.

Birth kits:
In His Hands Birth Supply
Cascade HealthCare Products

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